Fruits and vegetables are an often underappreciated part of our diet. More often than not, we do not eat enough of either and we have it stuck in our head that we do not like a lot of them. This can be because we have had them once, prepared in a way that we do not enjoy, or because we never learned to appreciate certain flavours. Whatever the reason, this article is a good excuse to go on an adventure and figure out what fruits and vegetables you do like![1]Hall, J. N., Moore, S., Harper, S. B., & Lynch, J. W. (2009). Global Variability in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(5). doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.01.029
Fruit and Vegetable Table
In the table below, you can find a list of plants and their (possibly) delicious parts. Often we call a fruit of a plant, a vegetable when it is technically a fruit. Fruit is ‘the usually edible reproductive body of a seed plant; especially: one having a sweet pulp associated with the seed’ [2] Check out the table and leave a comment to let me know what in the table surprised you!
If there is anything missing in the table below? Leave a comment or send me a message.
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*Items with an asterisk link, or will link in the near future, to an article on Truthful Food with more detailed information.
To eat | Yummie Part |
Achoccha | Fruit |
Apple* | Fruit |
Apricot | Fruit |
Arrowroot | Root |
Artichoke | Flower |
Artichoke (Jerusalem) | Root |
Asparagus | Stalk |
Atemoya | Fruit |
Avocado | Fruit |
Bamboo Shoot | Stalk |
Banana* | Fruit |
Barbados Cherry | Fruit |
Beans* | Pods, Seed |
Beet | Root |
Bitter Melon | Fruit |
Blackberry | Fruit |
Blueberry | Fruit |
Boysenberry | Fruit |
Broccoli | Leaves |
Cabbage* | Leaves |
Caper | Flower Buds |
Capsicum* | Fruit |
Carrot | Root |
Cassava | Root |
Cauliflower | Head |
Celeriac | Root |
Celery | Stalk |
Celtuce | Stalk |
Chard | Leaves |
Chayote | Fruit |
Cherimoya | Fruit |
Cherry | Fruit |
Chicory | Leaves |
Chives | Bulb, Leaves, Flowers |
Citron | Fruit |
Coconut | Fruit |
Collard Greens | Leaves |
Corn | Fruit |
Cranberry | Fruit |
Cucumber | Fruit |
Daikon | Root |
Date | Fruit |
Eggplant | Fruit |
Endive | Leaves |
Feijoa | Fruit |
Fennel | Root |
Fig | Fruit |
Gai Lan | Leaves |
Garlic | Bulb |
Gooseberry | Fruit |
Gourd | Fruit |
Grape | Fruit |
Grapefruit | Fruit |
Guava | Fruit |
Huckleberry | Fruit |
Jaboticaba | Fruit |
Jackfruit | Fruit |
Jicama | Root |
Kale | Leaves |
Kangkong | Leaves, Roots |
Kiwi | Fruit |
Kohlrabi | Leaves, Stem |
Kumquat | Fruit |
Leek | Leaves |
Lemon | Fruit |
Lentil | Seeds |
Lettuce | Leaf Vegetables |
Lime | Fruit |
Loquat | Fruit |
Lychee | Fruit |
Mamey Sapote | Fruit |
Mandarin | Fruit |
Mango | Fruit |
Melon | Fruit |
Mulberry | Fruit |
Mushroom | Fruit (fungus) |
Nasturtium | Flowers, Leaves |
Nectarine | Fruit |
Okra | Pods |
Olive | Fruit |
Onion | Bulb |
Orange | Fruit |
Papaya | Fruit |
Parsnip | Root |
Passion Fruit | Fruit |
Pea | Seeds |
Peach | Fruit |
Pear | Fruit |
Persimmon | Fruit |
Pineapple | Fruit |
Pitaya | Fruit |
Plums | Fruit |
Pomegranate | Fruit |
Potato | Root |
Prunes | Fruit |
Pumelo | Fruit |
Quince | Fruit |
Radish | Root |
Rakkyo | Bulb, Leaves |
Rapini | Bulb, Leaves, Stem |
Raspberry | Fruit |
Rhubarb | Stalk (Do not eat leaves!) |
Rutabaga | Root |
Salsify | Root |
Sapodilla | Fruit |
Scorzonera | Root |
Spinach | Leaves |
Spondias | Fruit |
Sprouts (Alfalfa) | Sprout |
Sprouts (Bean) | Sprout |
Sprouts (Broccoli) | Sprout |
Sprouts (Brussels) | Sprout |
Squash | Fruit |
Strawberries | Fruit |
Tangelo | Fruit |
Tangerine | Fruit |
Taro | Root |
Tomatillo | Fruit |
Tomato | Fruit |
Truffles | Fruit (fungus) |
Turnip | Root |
Ugli Fruit | Fruit |
Water Chestnut | Bulb |
Watercress | Leaves, Stem |
Yams | Root |
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