Fun Food Fact! You may have noticed that not all eggs you can buy or collect from your chickens look the same. Some have a white shell, others a brown shell. Then when you crack them open, some yolks are very yellow, while others appear to be extremely orange. Did you ever wonder what causes […]
Fun Food Facts
Fun Food Fact: Sugar I
Fun Food Fact! Not all sugar is the same. What we call sugar, is a group of small carbohydrates with a sweet taste. There are several types of these small carbohydrates. When you are reading a nutrition label, and you see for instance fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose or sucrose listed, you know there is […]
Fun Food Fact: Food Packaging I
Fun Food Fact! Did you know that the ‘air’ that you find in a lot of food packaging, is not the same air you and I breathe in every day? The air we breathe on earth is a mixture of roughly 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and minimal amounts of Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, Methane, […]
Fun Food Fact: Chocolate I
Have you ever thrown out chocolate because you thought it had gone bad since there was a white, powdery layer visible on it? Fun Food Fact! It probably didn’t need to be thrown out. Let me tell you why.